Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Harmony Games 2010

Hi guys!

Mariana from Catholic Archdiocesan Centre invited us to an inter-religious sports event on the 26th June 2010 (Saturday morning), called Harmony Games 2010!

The purpose of Harmony Games is to build relationships between members of different faith communities through games and sports.
Each contingent need to have at least 30 pax, the more the merrier, and we'll be regroup with youths from other faiths.

Here are the details:

Harmony Games 2010
date: Saturday, 26 June 2010
location: Singapore Islamic Hub, 273 Braddell Rd
start time: 8.00am (contingent gather at the void deck of Singapore Islamic Hub)
end time: 11.30am
Guest of honor: Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan

For further details, please read your email on how to submit your participation and more information on the games that you will be playing. Thank you!

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