Friday, April 26, 2013

What pierces your heart?

I just saw this drawing about vocation and went "wow, God you are amazing! Another blessing to us this week??".

He is so generous, isn't He? =)

Some of you may know I am looking for a job now, and searching in my heart the kind of job I want to do next that allows me to make a difference in the world. And this drawing speaks volumes to me.

Even if you are still studying in school, this one is for you. Whatever course you choose, and whatever subject you study, look towards those that speak to your heart. Because that is probably what God intends for you. Because He would have put that in your DNA when He made you.

I never did very well in my studies but I really started taking greater interest in studying when I went to the university and took courses I liked in the Arts & Social Sciences faculty. I also enjoyed my junior college years, when I did Art and Literature. That was when I knew I had a flair in arts related subjects and that was where my heart sings.

It has been like this in the past 15 years at work: doing work that I enjoy, using my gifts (I hope) for His glory. And God has blessed me with wonderful work experiences.

I am near to getting a new job - something that speaks to me - and I ask you to pray for me, for discernment and for a sign that this is the correct direction to head in my next adventure.

If you have any prayer request, feel free to leave it in the comments section.

Let's pray for each other!

P/S: image courtesy of musician Jackie Francois' Facebook. Drawn by Bill Donaghy

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